School Fee

School Fee

Class Monthly Fee Annual Fee
Pre Nursery ₹ 2000 ₹ 24000
Nursery ₹ 2000 ₹ 24000
L.K.G. ₹ 2000 ₹ 24000
U.K.G. ₹ 2000 ₹ 24000
1st ₹ 2200 ₹ 26400
2nd ₹ 2200 ₹ 26400
3rd ₹ 2200 ₹ 26400
4th ₹ 2200 ₹ 26400
5th ₹ 2200 ₹ 26400
6th ₹ 2500 ₹ 30000
7th ₹ 2500 ₹ 30000
8th ₹ 2800 ₹ 33600
9th ₹ 3000 ₹ 36000
10th ₹ 3500 ₹ 42000
  • Fee will be paid by the 10th of every month. After which a fine of Rs. 10/ per day will be levied till last working day of the month. After this student is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.
  • Pupil will discontinue from the school for non-months and will continue only after re-admission fee i.e. Rs. 1000/- is paid.
  • Fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • The transfer certificate will be given only once the dues are cleared by the parents or the guardian.
  • No student will be allowed for the final examination, if the dues are not cleared.