About Us

About Us

Cambridge International School, Adamwal, strives to provide a unique friendly and relaxed environment where pupils feel valued and are able to achieve personal excellence and excel in all aspects of life. We are delighted to have this opportunity to tell you about our school and what is it that makes it such a special place. Cambridge International school is situated at the foothills of Shivalik Hills and spread in 5.5 acres of land.

The base of a solid foundation in education is a well-balanced curriculum. At CISA we provide a curriculum that

  • Cultivates the habit of work and pride.
  • Enables a high self-esteem.
  • Develops understanding.
  • Teaches effective communication.
  • Leads to appropriate qualification.
  • Provide opportunities.

Besides academics, special stress is laid on the co-curricular activities so that by the time students pass out, they have full confidence to face the world and be global citizens. We aim to ignite the young minds and help them achieve their dreams. Apart from setting sterling standards of academics excellence we also inculcate positive attitude and moral values in the tender minds. Education not only connotes state of the art infrastructure , vast number of students sophisticated labs and equipment, well stocked libraries etc. its distinguishing feature is the emphasis on preparing students to face life itself.

Our motto is “VISION DECIDES HORIZON.” The horizon is limitless and we aim to create a vision in the young minds so large and so focused that they are able to imbibe the maximum out of the expanded horizon of knowledge.