Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  • Parents should regularly check, read and follow all circulars issued by the school.
  • It is absolutely imperative for the parents to attend all the Parent Teacher Meet (PTM).
  • Parents must inform the school in writing if there is any change in residential addresses, telephone numbers etc. during the course of the session.
  • It is the responsibility of the parents to make the child complete the written work missed due to leave or absence.
  • If the parents have any grievances, they can contact the school reception and immediate action will be taken.
  • The name and class of the student should be clearly marked on all his/her belongings.
  • No written exam shall be pre-poned or post-poned (even in case of illness)
  • Application must be given at least a week before in the school office to start or stop bus facility.
  • The school reserves the right to terminate the continuance of the student with unsatisfactory progress in study or whose conduct is a bad example for others.
  • Application for transfer certificate must be given at least one month before issuance of the said certificate.
  • Every student must bring this almanac to school every day and use it productively.
  • Non-bus commuters must arrive 10 min before the school bell rings.
  • Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offence, whether in or out of school. Student found using the same will be expelled from the school.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any weapon or a sharp instrument, such as blades, knives, paper-scalpels, etc to school.
  • Damaging or disfiguring the school property may result in charges or/and expulsions from school.
  • Bringing money to school is not allowed. Bringing mobile phones, cameras, etc to the school is strictly prohibited.
  • It is mandatory for all the students, unless instructed otherwise to be present for festival and function celebrated in and outside the school.
  • The school is committed to protect the environment and expects its student to be environment friendly in all their actions. The use of poly bags, plastic bags is, therefore, strictly prohibited in the school and students should concisely avoid their use for any purposes.
  • No student has permission to commute to school on cycle or self driven two/four wheelers.
  • Parents should also always consult school almanac for the holidays.